Thursday, September 2, 2010


First and foremost, I appologize it took me so long to do an update after the surgery... Yes i was up for it but honestly couldnt find the words in my cluttered mind to actually sit down and write anything that made sense. For those of you that would like to know, surgery went well as expected. Life after surgery is still yet to be discovered but from what I know so far this really is the life changing experience most people tried to warn me about, and yes sometimes it sucks...Usually when i get a craving for a big juicy cheeseburger and I cant have one... or solid food for that matter haha. Today I believe is day 10 since my surgery, which happened on the 23rd.  I did have some complications with my blood pressure going up during surgery and now my heart rate is permanently elevated but Im hoping this will all calm down soon.. They thought I had a leak so I actually stayed in the hospital for 3 days instead of just one which was not so pleasant...and now I am doing better than most people (according to my doctor). Within day 5 I was already at a party enjoying my night. I can't handle bed rest when I dont want to be locked away from the world so I made sure to push myself really quick to heal. I drove myself to my post op apt which is an hour away and shocked the nurse who said I should still be complaining about pain. I stopped taking my pain meds within that time as well. My biggest complaint right now is that I cant sleep on my stomach yet and my back aches more and more every day from my weird sleeping... ;( I miss having good sleep. Im having a hard time eating protein... I hate protein shakes, I hate anything liquid, I already switched to mashed foods... bad Anna. I ate squash today, for lunch and dinner and it was quite tasty, my tummy likes squash, and hates cheese soup from zupas lol (ouch). I experienced my first stomach ache yesterday when I ate soup too fast, I thought I wanted to die. All bad things aside I am happy I did it anyway, as hard as it may be, watching 23 lbs come off in one week is well worth it and as someone I dont remember once said, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Its true. I found out my soft gel vitamins are very well tolerated by my tummy which makes me happy :). Yesterday I was feeling pretty crummy after getting sick from soup, and a few people asked if i was okay since I looked yellow, Yellow? that freaked me out but apparently im back to normal today. I started taking my vitamins and will be doing anything I can do up my protein, I can start eating eggs in a few days and I am so so excited!!!! I have been dreaming of eggs and avocado for days now. My incisions are starting to heal and the one where they pulled my fat tummy out of hurts like hell still to today. The nurse said this was normal since it was the one where most of the work was done. It is getting better, but sometimes I move and it hurts just like the day after surgery.. I hope im going to get over this soon. Overall I am really happy with my life, Things seem to be going in the right direction and my goals are finally coming together. I have some amazing friends and family that have been giving me so much love and support I never imagined I could have! So there it is, my journey starts now!


  1. I know it's hard not to sleep on your stomach when you're so used to it... have you tried sleeping on your side with a giant pillow between your legs and going all the way up to under your head? It's the only way I can sleep when I'm pregnant and now that I am nursing... :-)
    About your yellow color, I guess you might be eating too much squash! Eat more colorful stuff, like beets, berries, etc (all pureed, of course). :-)

  2. Sounds like you are doing really well. Are you back to work yet? Do you feel like you could work? or would that stomach pain be to much?

  3. Well im currently not working at all so no, but yeah depending on the job i could have gone back within a week, however most people can't. My doctor said on average his patients take anywhere from 2-3 weeks to be able to get out of bedrest, I am impatient and hate bedrest so I made sure I was out in 5 days haha. I am doing great!! and eating all types of food now, I still struggle some days but mostly its good!
