Thursday, September 16, 2010


My last nasty dermabond (what they used instead of stiches) finally came out of me today... or I should say I pulled it out... oops. and now im Itchy... Itchy means healing so we are good to go! Speaking of going, haha, the changes in your "ammount of bathroom visits" are quite interesting after surgery... I feel like I pee all day long.... ah! I am so happy to be back to normal, eating what I want... well ok eating a little of what i want... and im still having a hard time with the eyes bigger than mouth ordeal... until im explodingly full that is. I have decided to stop obsessing over my weight and weighin in every day... its goota be unhealthy, therefore I haven't weighed myself all week in hopes i have one big surprise at the end of the week, or who knows? I have returned to normal life and I think im going to start working again here in the next few weeks, Yes I am still employed by verizon, lord knows how that happened after all these months. I at least need to work for a few weeks to make enough money to buy myself a wardrobe... My clothes are getting bigger and soon I will have to wrap sheets around me due to lack of clothing. this is a good thing! Hardest thing for me? IBUPROFEN... i can't take it anymore and I think I was addicted to it... as retarded as it may sound it was like my daily savior from my headaches and now i cant take it. Tylenol sucks and I hope it dies. I just started taking a crap load of these green phyto-food vitamins, they make your poo neon green, TMI i know... but its kind of entertaining. these are supposed to be packed full of blue algae which apparently packs protein. I am waiting to turn into a big buff man since I am consuming something like 100g of protein daily right now... that is so much!!! maybe I need to take it down a notch... I think im becoming obsessive. Its been a really rough week for me, one of my old friends passed away from a drug overdose. Its really sad to still be watching old friends die... I feel like ive had enough! Nic passed away on monday due to a heroin overdose, RIP! The funeral is tomorrow and I hope I handle it well, I feel like maybe im already numb to all of this death stuff... To make things a little better Im going up to Carson's cabin with him and his family on saturday for a much needed get away, and some four wheeling through the really pretty fall mountains, I am really in need to get in touch with nature, its been a while! I will deffinately post some pictures when I come back down. This will be my first time eating away from home since surgery (other than my visit to dennys) so I am a little nervous.... Im sure It will be fine.  I am also back on all of my medications that i quit for surgery, such as my diamox (for my intracranial hypertension), my birth control and all of my vitamins, Its really really nice to be functioning normally again!!!! The only thing I need is to finally unpack my room and decorate, instal tv in my room (Yes i havent watched tv other than movies on netflix in over a month, this is weird for me) and being able to take baths again when my incisions fully heal... man i miss taking baths! am i weird? Anyway I will update soon with some more pictures from this weekend, until then I hope you all have a good week :)

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