Monday, January 31, 2011

Its about that time

Wow it really has felt like forever since I have last blogged... I feel like this blog becomes less interesting as my weight loss slowly is just becoming a part of my life and not really as exciting as it used to be. I have now lost 80 lbs and I am feeling like a new woman! Its amazing what a difference 80 lbs can make in every aspect of life. First update, I have never been happier! I think the reason I have gone so long without blogging is because I spend every waking moment with my new someone. Yes i am in love. Who even thought I would ever say such a thing? I can honestly say I am not a love type of person but when it happens to you, you just sit back and enjoy it because it isn't going to stop. I met Ernest a few days after leaving Carson.. (no it wasn't a rebound) and instantly felt something different. It wasn't quite in a romantic way to be honest, more so in a I want to be your friend and get to you know you ordeal. I made a pact with myself to be single for 2011 and wasn't at all wanting to meet anyone. but we went to wendover together for a mutual friends birthday and on the way home he made it a point to sit by me.. and while everyone slept at 4 am we talked... and talked... and talked some more.. the next few times we hung out we did the same thing.. talked and talked. one time we honestly talked until the sun came up... and not once did he make a move or even try to kiss me. So of course things started taking a turn in a different direction and since then i haven't spent a day away from him. I have never felt anything like this for another person on this earth. I thought I had been in love before and boy was I wrong. He genuinely is the first person I wouldn't change a thing about, well maybe I would get rid of his fan club of women... seriously i have to fight them So about Ernest... He first of all is amazing. Treats me like a princess...he has 3 kids, they are 12,13,14 and are all the loves of his life. He has half custody of his two younger boys. He owns Death or Glory tattoo in provo where he is also an amazing tattoo artist. (my family is trying to get used to the fact that im dating a tattoo artist lol). He builds cars as a hobbie and was born in california.. and I swear within the short time we have been together I know more about him than I ever did any guy i dated :). He just bought me a puppy, shes a mini Dashchaund and she is cream colored, tiny little girl full of wrinkles... we named her Beatrice :) I will post pictures of her as soon as I can, she is still being put on solid foods for another few days so we actually haven't been able to bring her home yet. Life is so good! I started school again and now im at UVU while shaddowing to renew my CNA/MA from Steven's Henager at night... any other time is spent with my love. I didn't know it was possible to be this happy with my life, I am so at peace and so stress free. I feel like this should be illegal!
I am going to Brazil with my parents and Ernest hopefully in April if i can get all my paperwork finished in time and I am really looking forward to this, especially because I get to take Ernest.
Weight loss is going great, I have been eating like crazy lately because someone spoils me and takes me to dinner like almost every night but I am still losing... slowly but surely! pretty soon I will not have any clothes left lol. Maybe I need a garage sale!
anyway I have to shower and go to school but I will update more later! hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Im seeing changes

Its insane how one day your life is going one way and the next your whole world turns around. last week I randomely decided last minute to take a trip to california. It was honestly the best vacation of my life. Randi and myself left last tuesday and didnt stop for one second... between the beach and disneyland, vegas and shopping we barely had time to sit. I spent new years looking at the ocean... and I couldn't have asked for better clarity of my life and where its going. I am happy to announce that for the first time in my life I was able to make hard decisions reguardless of how they would make anyone else feel. First things first, I quit my job that i hated, I broke up with Carson, because as much as I love him as a person I am not in love with him and I need to enjoy my life right now and find that someone who takes my breath away. I also started being healthy again and have decided that this year I am focusing on myself. Within 5 days of the year I already feel like a brand new person! Though its sad to miss Carson because I do care about him, I hope that we can still be friends and that he doesn't hold resentment for my decision, it had to be made. I have never been happier about a new start. I am in such a great place in my life right now. I hope you all had a wonderful new year! I am slowly learning to be this new person that I am absolutely in love with. its insane how losing 70 lbs changes your personality as well as your physical appearance. Confidence does make a huge difference in your every day life, mostly in making decisions keeping in mind how they will benefit/hurt you in the long run. I am able to separate that and make sure that I am doing things for myself. I will still fall, but I am happy to know that I am stronger than ever to get back up! I am also not giving up on love, Its out there somewhere, and if it don't find it, I will be sure and make up for it by living it up. School starts this month, I am so happy!